Hungarian Independent Transmission Operator Compan...
MAVIR Hungarian Independent Transmission Operator Company Ltd. is a key leader of the Hungarian energy sector. Our main task is to safeguard the uninterrupted, secure and sustainable operation of the Hungarian Electricity System and to allow access for each system user on equal basis as well as to ensure an economical and efficient operation of the transmission network, the operation and extension of the electricity market and the balance group system facilitating market activities. MAVIR is responsible for maintaining the capacity balance of the national electricity system and for balancing deviations of the balancing groups from planned targets. This involves specifying the amount of required reserves, capacities to be contracted for balancing purposes and taking into account how fast, at what rate of change and at what price each power plant is capable of following the modifications ordered. For all this, it is necessary to know whether the network is suitable for transporting the loads required for an undisturbed operation. For more information, visit
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